random things to do with my summer vacation
*my family, meaning my grandmother, is driving me nucking futs. seriously. like sign me up for the looney bin, or get me the hell out of here, because she is driving me up a damn tree, like always. mostly I sit around daydreaming of what it will be like when me and Fuzzy finally have our own place, and especially our own kitchen.
*have I mentioned how much I love cooking with my boyfriend? because I do.
*our cats are hilarious. last night Pyewacket jumped into the cat bed, which was balanced precariously on top of a box. she jumped a little too hard and tipped it over, landed on the floor and the bed landed upside down on top of her so that all we saw was a little tail sticking out. crazy cat.
*my car is dead. none of the gauges are working, they keep moving around all sporadically, and it will be a while before my uncle gets the part to fix it. le sigh. so we're stuck using the escort, which is a working car, but has no air conditioning.
*my sister is now in Sacramento visiting her brother.
*what would really improve my summer is a pool. a nice, cold pool.
*so my cousin is getting married in October, and she's determined to bring me home so I can do the photos. this = me getting to go home one extra time during this last semester = woot.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 2:40 PM