Bwahahahaha... if you click on this picture to view the bigger version, you'll notice the license plate says "MOO JUZ". I'm a big dork, but this made me giggle, so voila.
Look! It's my first sock!!! It's huge, because you shrink it down in the wash to a nice fuzzy texture... I'm getting ready to start the real ones soon, this one is just a prototype so I get it right in the pretty yarn :) Yay, the week is over, even though I have to work tomorrow. And, today I got to hang out with Diane, which was teh awesome. like by a lot even. Also, new pictures in the flickr file.
Seriously, free to a loving home... Argh. This has been the more exhausting week ever, like by a lot. I would post, but I don't really feel like reliving it, so lets just mention the good things. I'm now president of the knitting club, I finished my first sock (picture to come soonishlike), which is huge because it's actually going to be felted into a slipper at some point, but it came out really good :) Yay me.
new pictures posted on flickr of the visit... by the way, I now have a picture of me in certain job-related attire, so for the millions of you who have registered an interest in seeing it, email me and I'll prolly send it to you...
It's me and Steevie! Who is visiting from San Fran! We went to a bar with my spanking new camera of fabulousness, and I posted the photos on flickr, so to see them, click the photo.