So, I realized I haven't posted a picture of Pyewacket yet. It's hard to get her to look at the camera, so here's a cute photo Chris took of her curled up into a ball in one of the hotel rooms.
After Chris finished his exam (which we don't have the results for yet), we pulled out of lovely Naperville, Illinois and got back onto the highway.
We crossed the border into Indiana and then spen the next 2.5 hours in traffic. It literally took us two and a half hours to go 15 miles. I'm not speaking to Indiana for at least two weeks. Fortunately, after the first 15 miles it cleared up, and the toll road was at least quick.
While we sat in traffic, though, we took a picture of this sign, which I thought was interesting:
After the dreaded traffic debacle, Chris got me these gummy snacks, and they're pretty cool.
They come with these little plastic tongs to pick the worms out of the bag with.
And when you squeeze down on the worm with the tongs, the light in the tongs make it look like the worms are glowing :)
After that, we pulled into Ohio, which I've always liked a bunch.
In Perrysburg, Ohio, we met up with my friend Meigan and got some yummy fried food. Fried cheddar cheese balls are awesome, just sayin'.
We stayed in Perrysburg overnight, then got back on the turnpike in the morning for our LAST DAY OF DRIVING!!!!!
After a few hours we entered Pennsylvania, my old home while I went to Chatham. Pennsylvania is beautiful, and it's too bad we were only in it for like an hour.
Yay! We're coming down the home stretch now... it's the first sign with Buffalo on it!
In between the New York border and Buffalo, there is a whole lot of green. Much like the green I've been posting pictures of all week, so we didn't take any more pictures until we got to Buffalo.
We didn't get off the freeway, but it looks nice from what I could see. Chris is from the suburbs, so we didn't actually go into the city while we visited last time.
Huzzah, it's the Niagara River... And that is Grand Island in the back ground.
You know you're really back east when you see Tim Hortons. It's like Starbucks, but with better food and drinks, and a whole lot less pretentious.
And this water tower belongs to the Town of Wilson, which is next to the Village of Wilson, which is where Chris' grandparents farm is, where we are staying.
We got to the farm, which is just beautiful, and settled in. The car and trailer are unloaded, and we're all fine, humans, cats, and geckos. The only casualties on this trip were one strap on my cello case, and two of the gecko tanks (soooo thankful the geckos were in their carriers, and not in the tanks!) We traveled a grand total of 2853.6 miles without any major issues, and I feel really blessed. We had all of our worldly posessions with us, and we didn't know anyone along the way until Ohio, so there was a lot of potential for bad things to happen, but they didn't.
This morning we dropped off the trailer, and I saw this on a truck. Pretty interesting, so I'm gonna go read up about it and maybe I'll post more about it later.
While Chris finished up with the U-haul business, I watched this dog chase his own tail for fifteen minutes. Awesome.
I'll have more to post in the coming days, but right now we're visiting with friends, so I certainly don't want to be glued to my computer right now. Suffice it to say we are well and happy, and I look forward to the coming weeks to see how this new life shapes up for me.