stacy was here (and probably spinning....): 10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004















Stacy Was Here :
Back at the Beginning

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 9:19 PM   0 comments

Sunday, October 24, 2004

anyone surprised? no? I didn't think so.

posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 11:09 PM   0 comments

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


so I'm back at school now, which is good in some ways because my friends are here and the weather isn't too warm for me like it is at home, plus I don't have to deal with my grandmother and her mood swings. I still miss Fuzzy like burning, though, and my sister too, and it's been raining for most of the time I've been back. *sigh*

it was nice to see the kittens, even though they're growing like little weeds (or not-so-little weeds, in Zelda's case.) I miss them :( Fuzzy needs to get a job here like pronto so I can play with my cats and bake him yummy things like Chocolate Irish Cream Cheese Cake. My job is going well, and I still really like the people I'm working with. woot woot.

so yeah.... blah and stuff.

posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 7:23 PM   0 comments

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

oh, and because I know you're all sitting on the edge of your seats wondering about this, I finally finished that effing paper at 2:00 this morning. and it is the roughest of rough drafts...

posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 2:13 PM   0 comments

so, yeah....

I just needed a change. I know this is a blogger template and, as such, there are probably hundreds of other blogs that use it, but lets face it, I don't really have time to be creative at the moment, and I just wanted something different, dammit...

so, what do you think?

posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 1:56 PM   0 comments

10,000 cool points to whomever can identify this object (offer void if your name is Chris or Anthony)...

this was created by an artist in my photography class, by the way. Her name is Tiana Smith, and she is effing brilliant.

posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 1:12 PM   1 comments

Sunday, October 10, 2004

I promise I'll stop procrastinating.... right after I update my blog ;)

So I should definitely be working on my rough draft for my senior project, and I will totally be doing that momentarily, as soon as I post in my blog and sit down on my bed to start and then realize how messy my room is and spend the next hour or so cleaning it, and then sit down on the bed again only to be posessed by the sudden urge to take a shower, after which I'm sure I'll definitely work on the stupid paper. It's hard, because my eyes and my nose are totally itchy in that sinus-hell sort of way, and I'm groggy from being sick and from being medicated. This week has been so incredibly busy that it's remarkable I'm not dead.

Fuzzy left this morning, which sucks and I miss him, but I will get to see him in 4 days when I go down south for my cousins wedding this weekend. That and hopefully he'll get interviews at the casinos and have to come up again. We won't know about the test he took for the dispatch job for another 2 weeks when the police department will either decide to interview him or not. Hopefully they'll want him, because that would be so fantabulous. We had so much fun hanging out together with my friends and suitemates. Everything is so much better when he's around.

Speaking of jobs, I just got another new job, but I promise this one will last me for a good while. I'm going to be working in a tiny legal office doing filing, some phones, and copying medical records. The lawyer works on disability and workers comp cases, and it's just him, me, and his legal secretary who, from the interview, seems to be a really delightful woman that I am very excited to work with. Don't get me wrong, I honestly liked pretty much everyone at the fabric store, and I will seriously miss working with some of them, but I finally figured out that I kept getting nauseous from the heat and lack of ventilation in the building, and lets face it, my feet were not made for retail jobs, like seriously. Besides, even though it's a nice place in the "you're not paid to think" sort of way, and while that's what I was looking for, it reminded me why I went back to school in the first place, and this job will be much better for a multitude of reasons, such as the following:
* it pays $1.25 more per hour.
* the hours all fall into M-F from 9am-5pm. While that limits how much I can work, it will be nice to have evenings and weekends off to get things done, like socializing and tutoring.
* it's like a mile from my school, so I'll be saving a lot on gas, which is good since Humboldt county has the highest gas prices in California.
* it's more likely I'll be able to get some time off for Thanksgiving.
* it will look better on my resume.
* it's in an office that used to be a house, so there's actual windows and air movement going on.
* now I can go to the fabric store and enjoy being there and looking at yarn and other crafty things.
It was so great when the lady from the legal office called to tell me I had the job. She was so sweet and said that, even though everyone they interviewed was qualified for the job, she felt that my accomplishments showed a lot about me and that my references were the most impressive. It made me feel good about myself again because, every time I work a job on my feet in retail or food service or anything like that I end up feeling inadequate because I never move as fast as the people around me. Since intellectual or academic type skills never enter the equation, I don't really excell at it, and this, ironically, makes me feel stupid in a very fish-out-of-water sort of way. This new job will be good because it requires attention to detail, which I'm good at, and an aptitude for picking up on the processes involved with the type of court cases we deal with so that I can help guide people through the process. I start on Tuesday.

My photo project went well, and it was nice to have Fuzzy and Anthony there to see it. Printing on litho film was less traumatizing than I thought, and my slides were amongst the cleanest of the bunch, so I guess it pays to be anal retentive about cleaning my glass and my negs.

I got another A on my second History of the English Language test. Everyone talks about this class like it's the hardest in the English major and damn near impossible to get an A is, and I think it's because English majors aren't used to taking tests or doing any sort of detail oriented work like this. It's closer in some ways to science testing because of the exact-ness of it.

Fuzzy totally fell in love with Falkor, just like I knew he would. By the end of the week he was talking about how he would miss Falkor and Drake just like he always talks about missing the cats. I'm now more convinced than ever that he is totally animal jesus. He would just sit there playing video games with her on his shoulder, talking to her like she's a person just like he does with the cats. She would sit there watching the game screen. It's a match made in heaven, lol.

God, I need to be done with the rough draft for this stupid paper and it needs to be Thursday, like yesterday even.

posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 3:36 PM   0 comments

Friday, October 01, 2004


So, Chris is coming up here tomorrow to take a test for a dispatch job that would put us totally in the clear and able to get an apartment very soonishlike. PLEEEEEEEEAAASSEEE cross your fingers/pray/work your mojo for us that he gets this job or one comparable to it while he's here, because it would make everything okay for me.

Also, I'm going to be starting grad school next semester, as an undeclared grad student, meaning I could keep my SI job teaching, which would be fantabulous because it's the best job I've ever had, and I have only just begun to improve that program, like seriously. Also, it means I wouldn't have to take the GRE until at least next semester, which would be great because then I'd be able to study for it more. I also have a meeting with Dr. Varkey, who is our resident genetics dynamo, and I'm going to get his input on which classes I should take to prepare for a genetics focus. According to Dr. Mesler (who is the head of the masters program), he's usually pretty accepting and even excited about non-traditional bio grad students like me, and it may turn out that I fit some niche that they need filled, so who knows? I've heard nothing but good things about Dr. Varkey, and so I am fully prepared to be in awe of him. So far I've had the encouragement of 2 major bio faculty people, so lets hope I'll continue the trend.

Have I mentioned how excited I am that Fuzzy is coming up? Because OH MY GOD am I excited. Like seriously. He gets here tomorrow at 9:45, and I don't get off work until 10, so Lili and Anthony are going to meet him at the bus station and they'll all meet me at APD where we can hang out and stuff. Sooooooooooo happy that he's coming. I can't even express the potential of next week. This whole semester so far has been unbelievably eventful and dynamic. And that, of course, is why I never have time to post anymore. For example, this weekend.

Today: work on rough draft for senior project, work 3-8, work on rough draft for senior project some more.
Saturday: develop film for photo project, work from 5-10, meet the assembly at APD, bliss.
Sunday: work from noon-5, print stuff for photo project, work on slides and/or senior project rough draft.

So.... yeah. But OMG, all the working will so be worth it if we can get an apartment and not have to be far apart anymore. And I will be tickled shitless if I can start grad school next semester and still be a student instead of existing hatefully in the real world.

posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 11:29 AM   0 comments

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