* my classes are going well... here is my schedule:
Photography (MW 8-11)
US History: 1877 to present (MWF 12-1)
American Lit: Writing CA (TTH 9:30-11)
Post-Colonial Lit (TTH 11-12:30)
and individual weight training whenever the hell I get unlazy enough to go... but to be fair, I am in a lot of pain right now, so hopefully in a few days or so.
* I'm a bit less depressed about being here, now that classes are going well and my roommates are being really wonderful, and Chris is being great and doing really sweet things for me so that I can't help but smile. I still miss lots of people in lots of places, but my classes are good and I'm really trying to be more social this semester so that I don't alienate myself again. My photo professor is crazy, but he's absolutely brilliant and arguably one of the most inspiring teachers I have ever had. It's going to be a great class.
* I still don't know whether to graduate this May or next. I would seriously like some more opinions on this, but I also need to find out if I can get the cords anyway, so that my mom can cry and take lots of pictures and stuff. If I can get those I think I'll definitely do it this May.
* At costco the other day, I found a gigantic stuffed duck. It is a costco sized version of Mr. Quackers. So I bought her, and her name is Big Mamma Quackers. She has become like another pillow because she is so big and soft and squishy. Yay for big (and small) yellow duckies.
Not much else going on, really... life plods along slowly, and there are 43 days left until Spring Break.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 9:55 AM