woulda posted before, but now I'm sober I might spell stuff right...
So on Friday night we went on another bar crawl, and seeing as how there's a monster devouring my uterus, I was the designated drinker this time, and Fuzzy was the designated driver. And drink I did. I drank like I haven't drank since I was in London and Dublin. I had a double midori sour, which was very tasty, that was at the Alibi, where they know how to make a drink that tastes good. Then we went to Toby and Jacks, and I decided to get a vodka and red bull. Toby and Jacks is a good place to go if you want to get shit faced and don't care how anything tastes. The drink was 3/4 vodka, 1/4 red bull. I kept the rest of the red bull, whih is fortunate, because I managed to get down enough of it to make room for the redbull, and once I added it, it was very nearly drinkable. Once I got to the bottom of that floor cleaner I was markedly intoxicated, but decided to aim for some more taste-friendly beverages. So next up was malibu passion fruit with sprite, which had a lot of alcohol in it, but since it's malibu and not vodka, it's a little easier on the ol' esophagus. After that I went for another midori sour, but this being TJ's it had the same amount of alcohol in a glass half the size, so it wasn't quite as nice as the first one. We rounded off the evening with a shot of the pink shit, which I haven't had for a long time. After that I leaned over to Fuzzy and slurred those beautiful words... "that's enough for me, I'm not drinking anymore." We had fun, especially since Anthony'd never seen me drunk before, and now him and Fuzzy have plenty of things to make fun of me for. There was much laughing, much table pounding, and quite a few stumbling trips to the bathroom. I didn't have a hangover the next morning, but I had been getting sick already, so between the booze and the fact that I slept with my mouth open all night since I couldn't breathe through my nose, I was pretty damned dehydrated and sick in the morning. I'm still really congested and miserable, but it's okay because I haven't gone out drinking with Anthony in a good while, and the memory will last me a few years until I'm ready to have a good drink again. Now I'm ready to go back to my usual limit of half a smirnoff.
I register for classes on Tuesday, which is, of course, leading to lots of stress. Bio 105 looked really safe, but Chem 109 and the Criminology class were full, so I emailed those professors for magic numbers. The Chem 109 prof emailed me the numbers, so I'm in there, but now it conflicts with the only open lab for Bio 105, so I've emailed that professor now too. Someone dropped the Crim class, so I could possibly get that spot, but hopefully he'll let me in anyway. I could possibly manage Biometry, which might be a good idea, but I'd need a magic number since I don't want to take a math class that sounds identical to the one I took at Chatham. I don't know if it's wise to take two hardcore sciences and statistics my first semester as a science major, but if I don't get the Crim class I'll probably see about doing it. I'll be checking my email compulsively until I hear back from those professors.
posted by Cat Named Eggroll @ 6:42 PM